Monday 21 July 2014

Putin says international experts must have access to crash site

(AFP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said
on Monday it was essential for international
investigators to be granted safe access to the
crash site of flight MH17 in Ukraine.
In a video address released by the Kremlin in
the early hours of Monday, Putin vowed that
Russia will do all it can to bring about a
settlement of the Ukraine conflict following the
downing of the Malaysian passenger plane
last week.
“Russia will do everything in its power so that
the conflict in eastern Ukraine moves from
today’s military phase to the phase of
negotiations by peaceful and diplomatic
means,” he said.
Western leaders are demanding Putin use his
influence to persuade the rebels controlling
the crash site in eastern Ukraine to hand over
the bodies of the 298 victims and allow
international investigators full access.
Putin said it was “essential” for experts
mandated by the International Civil Aviation
Organisation to be granted access to the
rebel-held site.
While he promised no concrete steps by
Moscow, he said “absolutely everything must
be done for their full security and to guarantee
the humanitarian corridors necessary for their
Kiev says the Boeing was shot down with a
surface-to-air missile by a system that was
brought to eastern Ukraine from Russia, while
Washington has also pointed the finger of
blame at Moscow.
The Russian leader reiterated his claim that
the Malaysia Airlines crash would not have
happened if Kiev had not resumed its military
operation against pro-Russian separatists in
eastern Ukraine.
“We can say with certainty that if military
actions in eastern Ukraine had not resumed on
June 28, this tragedy would most likely not
have occurred,” Putin said.
“With that said, nobody has the right to use
this tragedy for their narrow selfish political
ends,” he said from his Moscow region

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