Wednesday 6 August 2014

[MUST READ & SHARE] Jonathan, Biden agree on partnership to curtail Ebola outbreak via @iKanzee_RR

Abuja – President Goodluck Jonathan and
Vice President Joe Biden have agreed that
Nigeria and the United States would work
together to urgently curtail the outbreak of
Ebola virus.
Jonathan and Biden met in Washington D.C
on Tuesday on the side-line of the on- going
US-Africa African leader’s summit, according
to a `readout’ issued by the White House,
Office of the Vice President.
Ebola virus has claimed two lives in Nigeria
since a 40-year old Liberian and American
citizen Patrick Sawyer died of the disease in
The identity of the second victim of the deadly
virus has been withheld by government but it
is believed to be a medical worker who had
contact with Sawyer at the hospital in Lagos.
According to the World Health Organisation,
over 800 persons have died from the Ebola
virus from the three main hit West African
countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.
Meanwhile, the White House statement said
Biden reiterated U.S. partnership in the fight
against terrorism in Nigeria.
He was reported to have stressed the need to
pursue holistic approaches that respect and
protect human rights
“The Vice President also underscored the
importance of supporting Nigeria’s effort to
improve the socioeconomic and security
conditions in northern Nigeria,’’ the statement
by the White House said.
Further, Biden was quoted to have welcomed
Nigeria’s work to improve its business climate,
which continues to attract U.S. investors.
Both leaders were reported to have expressed
their commitments to trade and investment,
and the critical role that access to electricity
plays in supporting that goal.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that
President Barack Obama, on June 30,
launched Power Africa, an innovative private
sector-led initiative aimed at doubling
electricity access in sub-Saharan Africa.
It is believed that no fewer than 600 million
people currently lacked access to electricity in
the region.
Obama used the occasion of the summit to
announce a renewed commitment to this
initiative and pledged a new level of $300
million in assistance per year to expand the
reach of Power Africa.
He also announced $6 billion in new private
sector commitments, bringing the total private
sector commitments under Power Africa to
date to more than $20 billion
The U.S government has set an ambitious
aggregate goal of 30,000 MW of additional
capacity to Africa and increasing electricity
access by at least 60 million households and
business connections. (NAN)

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