Tuesday 26 August 2014

#Kanzee Ebola: Group calls for fumigation of public places Via @iKanzee_RR

A civil society organization, Civil Society
Awareness Response on Epidemic Diseases
CARED has called for the fumigation of all
public places in the country to prevent the
spread of Ebola virus to parts of Nigeria.
The organization also urged the Federal
Ministry of Health to embark on air spray as a
means of preventing the deadly Ebola virus in
most parts of the country.
The Co-ordinator of the organization, Mr
Stephen Aremu who lamented the rate at
which the deadly virus spreads, called on the
federal government to consider the possibility
of preventing hunting expedition in the
Mr Aremu said areas where bats and other
animals are populated should be sprayed to
prevent the people from contacting the virus
through consumption of animals.
He also advised that hotel, religious centres
and other public places in all the parts of the
country should be fumigated from time to time
to prevent the spread of Ebola virus.
Also, Aremu who hinted that his organization
has concluded arrangements to collaborate
with security agencies and other relevant
bodies in the country to prevent the spread of
Ebola stated that the Federal Government
should prevent foreigners from countries where
Ebola had been discovered from entering
He also urged the federal government to
mount surveillance in the entire boundaries of
the nation and other entry points to the
country where strangers would be screened
before entering into the country.
He warned health workers in all hospitals
across the country not to send patients with
Ebola related symptoms away for fear o
contacting Ebola virus, saying “we are amazed
at reports of several patients being refused
treatment when they present with such
symptoms when the
right response should have been to notify the
relevant authorities about such suspicions
than to send them back into the community.”
“The consequences of sending such persons
back to the communities untreated and
uncared for are best imagined if any of the
persons affected are truly infected with Ebola
virus,” he added.
He enjoined the Federal government to include
the civil society organizations on monitoring
of Ebola at both National, state and Local

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